
E.P.I.C Mission Statement

Elohim Pentecostal International Church Toowoomba


1. He is one God in three persons: God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit.
2. The Bible is the infallible word of God.
3. Man was created in the image of God, but he lives in a state of perdition because of his sin of unbelief.
4. Jesus came into the world to save sinners.
5. Jesus died on the cross to pay for man’s sin; by his resurrection he conquered death.
6. Eternal salvation is obtained by confessing the incarnation of Jesus and believing in his resurrection.
7. If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation.
8. The kingdom of God is righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit.
9. Jesus returns to establish his kingdom in the sight of all, and to exercise righteousness and judgment.
10. The Church is made up of all true believers.
11. The mission of the Church is to preach the gospel to every creature throughout the world.
12. Jesus baptizes believers with the Holy Spirit in order to give them His power and thus help them in their life and service.
13. Heaven remains the believer’s hope.
14. Hell is for unbelievers.



Elohim Pentecostal International Church, since 2020, has come into being. After 1 year of existence, she celebrated her birthday, which made it possible to make a critical assessment of its activities as an association whose main goal is evangelization.

The analysis of the problems encountered during this period, the concern to strengthen her autonomy and to establish more extensive links with her colleagues around the world and especially the future vision that she sees for the pursuit of her mission until at the return of the Lord Jesus Christ, are the main reasons for this review.

Consequently, this revision of the texts, without making any modification to the primary vocation of the association, aims rather at its strengthening and the restructuring of the internal organization to increase its efficiency because of the spectacular increase of the association. Church in recent years.

If these 1 year of life were not enough to evangelize the whole country, they nevertheless make it possible to envisage a more adequate organization for a new start for a better harvest of souls.



Article 1: Name

The denomination of the Church is:


Article 2: Territory

The Elohim Pentecostal International Church carries out its spiritual, social and cultural activities throughout Australia and outside Australia.

Article 3: Nature

Elohim Pentecostal International Church is one by faith and works with Pentecostal churches around the world. It is headquartered in Australia. However, the head office can be transferred elsewhere on the whole national territory than International. It is a strictly religious and evangelical non-profit association.

Article 4: Affiliation

As the body of Jesus Christ, The Church of Elohim Pentecostal International Church is ONE with all Churches around the world who share the same doctrine as it. It is in solidarity with all the Evangelical Churches whose Holy Scriptures constitute the rule of faith, which have a similar ethic, and which preach the new birth.

Article 5: Objectives

The spiritual and temporal objectives of Elohim Pentecostal International Church are:

– Preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ,

– Evangelize, proclaim salvation in the open air, in homes, in churches, in the media and everywhere else,

– Strengthen converts,

– Build places of worship and other buildings that can help spiritual and cultural developments,

– Provide biblical and theological training for its pastors by opening Bible schools, theology courses, refresher seminars,

– Send missionaries abroad,

– Send executives to train abroad as needed

– Open primary and secondary schools,

– Founding social works, in particular orphanages, dispensaries, hospitals, maternities, homes, nurseries, and any similar work,

-Help widows and orphans and other vulnerable people.

– Create training, learning and rehabilitation centres, etc.

-Create support centres for widows and orphans and support them.

Article 6: Fundamental Truths

1. The scriptures constitute the inspired word of God, the infallible rule of faith and of the conduct of the congregation in general, and of the Christian in particular.

2. The oneness of the one true living God who exists eternally by himself: the “I AM” who has revealed Himself to be ONE in three persons. Deuteronomy 6: 4; Exodus 3:14; Matthew 28:19; Mark 12:29; John 8:58.

3. The fall of man created pure and innocent but fallen into sin by wilful transgression. Genesis 1: 26-31; 3:17; Romans 5: 12-21.

4. Salvation in Jesus Christ, dead for our sins, buried and risen. Redemption is acquired by his blood. Romans 10: 8-15; 1 Corinthians 15: 3-4; Titus 3: 5-7.

5. Baptism by immersion ordered to those who have gone through repentance and who have received Jesus Christ as Saviour and Lord. Matthew 28:19; Mark 16:16; Acts 10: 17-48.

6. The baptism of the Holy Spirit, the initial sign of which is speaking in tongues. Acts 2: 4-8; 10: 44-46 and 19: 6.

7. The holiness of life (thought, word, conduct), in obedience to the divine commandments: “Be holy”. 1 Peter 1: 15-16; 1 Thessalonians 5:23; Hebrews 12:14; 1 John 2:26.

We condemn according to Galatians 5: 19-21, sexual debauchery, adultery, drunkenness, magic, hatred, jealousy, anger, envy, murder, orgies and all the like.

1. Divine healing, that is, deliverance from sickness acquired through Jesus’ sacrifice at Calvary. Isaiah 53: 4-5; Matthew 8: 16-17; Mark 16:16; James 5:14.

2. Holy Communion or Communion, in both kinds, ordered to every believer until the return of the Lord. Luke 22: 14-20; 1 Corinthians 11: 23-24.

10. The second pre-millennial coming of the Lord Jesus Christ Himself, a blessed hope placed before every believer. 1 Corinthians 15:57; 1 Thessalonians 4: 13-17; Revelation 20: 4-5.

11. The eternal punishment of those who are not inscribed in the book of life. Matthew 25:46; Revelation 20: 11-15.

12. The gifts of the Holy Spirit and the different Ministries according to the New Testament. Ephesians 4: 11-12; 1 Corinthians 12.

The Assemblies of God Church receives the entire Bible as the inspired Word of God and remains in the evangelical faith away from modernism, high criticism, new theology and anything that tends to undermine the Jesus-based faith -Christ of Nazareth, the Son of God.

It condemns all extravagance and fanaticism in any form, and proclaims the gospel in its simplicity, its everlasting power, and reliance on all scriptural statements.

Article 7: Members

A member of the Elohim Pentecostal International Church, any person without distinction having the same doctrinal convictions and baptized with water by immersion and belonging to one of our local churches.

Within this community, there are three bodies: the Ecclesiastical body, the para-ecclesiastical body and the faithful or simple members.

a / The ecclesiastical body

It includes ordained pastors (national and missionary), proposing pastors, and probationary pastors ministering in Assemblies of God.

b / The para-ecclesiastical body

The para-ecclesiastical body includes all those who, at whatever level, collaborate with the ecclesiastical body on behalf of the Church for the glory of God. Example: lay preachers, deacons, deaconesses, teachers, hospital services, associations of young people, women, men, etc.

The designation of the heads of these organizations should be made in accordance with the attached Rules of Procedure of the Church. Para-ecclesiastical staff must be supervised by a pastor who will ensure that the running of the organization does not in any way contradict the doctrine of ethics of the Church.

c / The faithful

A faithful member of the Elohim Pentecostal International Church is anyone who qualifies as a member as defined in the first paragraph of article 7 above.

Article 8: The ethics of the Church

The ethics of the Elohim Pentecostal International Church are defined in point 7 of article 6, which states the basic truths. 


Article 9: The Hierarchy

The supreme and sole head of the Elohim Pentecostal International Church is Jesus Christ, the Sovereign Shepherd. Colossians 1: 15-20; 1 Peter 5: 4.

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National President of the Ministry of Children, of the Director of the Biblical Institute, of the National Director of Social Works and of the National Director of the Mission.

The Administration Office assumes the highest responsibility for the administration of the Church. It must be seized of all questions of importance that may influence its general progress.

The Board of Directors is vested with the broadest powers to act on behalf of the General Council, perform or authorize any act and operation relating to its purpose.

The Executive Board, to manage the assets and ensure the administration of the Elohim Pentecostal International Church, refers to the Board of Directors and to the General Council.

Article 12: The Executive Board

The Executive Board is the executing organ. It includes seven (07) members elected by the General Council for four (04) years and is made up of:

– A President and Legal Representative

– A Secretary General,

– A Deputy Secretary General,

– A General Treasurer,

– A Financial Secretary,

– Two Members.

The election procedures as well as the attributions of each member of the Executive Board are described in the Internal Regulations.

The Executive Board represents the Church of Elohim Pentecostal International Church inside and outside Australia, including to authorities and individuals and corporations.

The Executive Board manages all member and property property of the Church and implements decisions made at meetings of the Board of Directors and the General Council.

Article 13: The Ethics and Doctrine Training Committee (CFED)

The CFED is the supervisory body. It is made up of nine members appointed by the Executive Board, on a proposal from the Administrative Board.

Article 14: The Regional Committee

The Regional Committee constitutes a group of servants of God, elected by the pastors of a defined region, to manage and supervise the smooth running of the work. It is composed of a President, a Secretary, a Deputy Secretary, a Treasurer, and a Financial Secretary. The Committee is assisted by a missionary when needed.

On the proposal of the Regional Committee, the Executive Board may divide a region into sectors.

The methods of election and the attributions of the members of the Regional Committee are defined by the Internal Regulations.

Article 15: Meetings

1) Conventions

They are regional and each year bring together pastors, missionaries, and members of all the Elohim Pentecostal International Church in a region.

The main objective pursued by the conventions is the edification of the members while developing among them the relations of fraternity.

2) The General Council

The General Council holds a general assembly every two (02) years.

3) The Administration Office

The Administration Board meets in principle every quarter; but it can hold extraordinary meetings on convocation of the Executive Board.

4) The Executive Board

The Executive Board meets every month; but extraordinary meetings can take place when convened by the President.

5) Pastoral

The Pastoral is held every quarter on the date and at the place that the regional ecclesiastical body will have agreed.

Article 16: Departments

The Elohim Pentecostal International Church is organized into departments or associations. Departments are an integral part of the National Church and International and operate under the authority and control of the Board of Administration. These departments are:

– Sunday School

– The Youth Elohim Pentecostal International Church (.E.P.I.C)

– The Council of Men

– The Ministry of Women

– The Ministry of Children

–  The mission

– Social works

Article 17: Institutions and Social Works

The Elohim Pentecostal International Church carries out its theological, missionary, technical, professional, and edifying activities through the following institutions and social works:

– The Biblical Institutes (I.B.T)

– Primary and secondary schools

– Rehabilitation centres: schools for the deaf and dumb, centres for the blind, etc.

– NGOs (non-governmental organizations): projects resulting from partnership relations with credible cultural or cultural associations, medico-social centre, socio-professional centre,).

Possible institutions and social works can be established.


Article 18: The financial year

The financial year lasts 12 months. It begins on July 1 and ends on June 30 of each year.

Article 19: Accounting

The accounts of the Elohim Pentecostal International Church are kept by the General Treasurer and the Financial Secretary according to the rules of public accounting.

Article 20: Income and expenditure Receipts

The available funds of the Church are in principle deposited in a bank account with the signatures of the President in office, the Secretary General, and the Financial Secretary.

Article 23: Status of goods

The member and immovable property of churches, social works and the achievements of various associations or institutions belong to the National Church.

No natural or legal person may appropriate or use it for purposes other than those of the general interest of the Church. All constructions and buildings erected by the local or national Church, and those ceded by other missions, form an integral part of the properties of the National Church.

Whatever the origin of the funds for the acquisition of land or for the construction of time and pastor’s housing, the ownership of the National Church cannot be in any way contested.

Documents and exhibits relating to Church property will be kept in the archives of the National Office.

Article 24: Reception of new works

The reception of new works is made by the National Church represented by the Executive Board or, by delegation, the Regional Committee.

Article 25: 

Collaboration between the National Church and Missionaries in action in Australia and Other countries.

The Missionary Group in Action in Australia works closely with the National Church.

Every missionary is subject to the Statutes of the Church and is obligated to respect them and put them into practice.

Each active missionary is called to help the National Church in its works, to organize the different departments, evangelization meetings, etc.

The role of the missionary as well as his post of assignment are defined by the National Church according to the needs identified.

Any missionary wishing to continue his ministry in Australia and outside Australia after a mandate, must notify the Executive Board in writing three months before the end of his mandate, in order to obtain the agreement of the Board. Executive.

Article 26: Amendment

These Statutes may be amended by a 2/3 majority of the voting members of the General Council. The amendment proposals are collected in the pastorals and sent to the Secretary General six months before the General Council. The Administrative Office studies and adopts the amendment proposals and submits them to the General Council.

Elohim Pentecostal International Church (E.P.I.C)

Founded in 2020 by Justin Rupiya, Elohim Pentecostal International Church (abbreviated to E.P.I.C) has come into being.